Change MedCloud Password

Change MedCloud Password

MedCloud requires users to change their password every 90 days. The process below outlines how users can change their password successfully.

Please note: new passwords need to be 8 characters. They must include an UPPERCASE, lowercase, number (1) and symbol (@). You also cannot use your 24 previous passwords or any part of your username or full name.

Password Change Required

If you need to change your password, the following yellow message will appear on your login screen.

To enter the change password screen, simply click the link indicated by the red arrow above.

Changing Password

The following screen will appear for you to enter your password. IMPORTANT NOTE: in the username box you MUST enter mednet\ before your username.

Enter you existing password.
Enter and confirm your new password. You will get an error message if your new password does not meet the complexity as shared above.
You will get a success message once your password has updated successfully.

It is recommended that you completely close your browser once you have finished and restart Impulse MedCloud. 
If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the support team on 1300 765 110, option 1.
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