IMC Patient Claim Consent and Declaration
I have paid for, or am liable to pay for, or the patient has paid for or is liable to pay for, the expenses for these services which are not excluded under the Health Insurance Act 1973 (i.e. not for the purpose of life insurance, superannuation or provident account schemes, admission to a friendly society, health screening, mass immunisation or connected with employment).
To the best of my knowledge and belief all the information in this claim is true and all information disclosed by me to the medical practice in the lodging of this claim is true and accurate.
I authorise or have the patient's consent to authorise this medical practice to electronically transmit this claim for Medicare benefits (including banking details) to Services Australia and for Services Australia to on forward the claim details to the nominated Private Health Insurer on my behalf or the patient's behalf.
I also authorise or have the patient's consent to authorise Services Australia or the Private Health Insurer to contact the referring practitioner or the provider of the services if clarification of details for this account and/or receipt is required for assessment or auditing purposes.
For this claim, I consent to or have the patient's consent to this medical practice sending to and /or receiving from Services Australia and/or the nominated Private Health Insurer, the following information for the purpose of verification and /or processing this Claim:
- patient’s Medicare enrolment information (including Medicare number, issue number and individual reference number) and
- patient’s first name, family name and date of birth,
- patient’s Private Health Insurer information including the patient's membership number or membership card number
If Services Australia pays a total benefit of zero for each service within this claim, the whole claim will not be forwarded to the nominated Private Health Insurer.
I acknowledge that it is a serious criminal offence to give Services Australia false or misleading information in relation to a Medicare claim.
Privacy Notice: Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988, and is collected by Services Australia for the assessment and administration of payments and services.
This information is required to process your application or claim.
Your information may be used by the agency or given to other parties for the purposes of research, investigation or where you have agreed or it is required or authorised by law.
You can get more information about the way in which Services Australia will manage your personal information, including our privacy policy at or by requesting a copy from the agency.
Information about medical expense totals may also be disclosed to other authorised family members for taxation statement purposes and the monitoring of family safety net entitlements. Patient name and address details may be disclosed to financial institutions when the claim is paid.