Provider Location [ProvLoc]

Provider Location [ProvLoc]

Provider Locations
Provider Locations sets the link between a provider and a location.
It is the Provider Location to which you will attach the doctor’s provider number and detail their billing arrangements.
A Provider Location constitutes a separate business entity for accounting purposes, including banking and invoicing.

Select Setup\Provider Locations from the main menu.
Add a Provider Location
  1. Select the Add button on the navigation bar.
  2. Select a Location code from the Location drop down box.
  3. Select a Provider code from the Provider drop down box.
  4. Select a Provider Type - GP, Specialist, Pathologist etc.
  5. Select a provider Sub Type. For GP’s and most Specialists this option is Ordinary.
  6. Enter Provider number.
You may assign any five digit item number to bill automatically when billing for this provider location.
You can of coarse override this number from the billing screen when needed.
  1. Select a Bank Account from the Bank Account drop down box.
  2. Select Default payee provider from the Payee Provider drop down box if the servicing provider is paid directly by Medicare.
  3. This is used in the transmission of claims and for claim payments.
  4. It is very important to choose the correct provider here as your transmissions inform Medicare of the payee provider as well as the servicing provider of your claims.
  5. The payee Provider is also deemed to be the principal provider.
  6. Where the Payments are allocated to a Location or Principal provider for the Servicing Provider, then the payee provider is the Principal provider in the drop down list.
  7. Select an Invoice Header from the Invoice Header drop down box.
  8. Enter an SCP ID if the provider is a Pathologist.
  9. Enter phone numbers and provider email address.
  10. Enter Key Type as Optional for location specific online claiming or Mandatory if you are using an iKey as noted above.
  11. Enter the providers Medicare Australia Online Key ID No. if using mandatory signing.
  12. Check Presently Active, if the provider is an active provider at the practice
  13. Check Allow Billing, if the provider is to be included in billing selections.
  14. Check DVA Arrangement for Specialist or Local Medical Officer for DVA GP Billing
  15. Enter Prov ID Individual and Prov ID Organisation if Provider is lodging AIR. [SEE AIR Document for further details relating to HPI-O and HPI-I]
  16. Select the Save button on the navigation bar.
Repeat these steps to add additional ProvLocs.
Select the Close button when complete and provider does not need Fund Arrangements set up.
Add Fund Agreements and Schemes for a Provider.
  1. The provider can have multiple fund agreements and schemes set up.
  2. Select the relevant Provider Location from the table.
  3. Select the Fund arrangements button.
  4. Select Add from the navigation bar.
  5. Select the relevant Health Fund from the Fund drop down and enter Fund Payee ID for the provider and Expiry Date.
  6. Select either the Agreement or Scheme radio button.
  7. Tick Option Link the arrangement to  providers other locations if provider set up for more than one location.
  8. Select the Save button on the navigation bar.
  9. Repeat these steps to add additional funds.
Select the Close button when complete.

Set up of  Allied Health Specialist Providers for DVA Paperless Streamlining
A new provider is required to be setup for Allied Health 
Enter all provider detail as before.
Select Setup\Provider Locations.
  1. Select Add from the navigation bar
  2. Select Location
  3. Select the Provider code
  4. Select Specialist 
  5. In the Provider SUB Type drop down.
  6. Select DVA Allied Health Code for provider in the Provider Sub Type drop down.
  7. Enter Key Type as Optional for location specific online claiming.
  8. Check Presently Active, if the provider is an active provider at the practice.
  9. Check Allow Billing, if the provider is to be included in billing selections.
  10. Check DVA Arrangement for Specialist
Select the Save button on the navigation bar.
Repeat these steps to add additional ProvLocs.
Select the Close button when complete.

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