Release Notes - V7.250.653

Release Notes - V7.250.653

Release Date: 9 August 2023

Billing & Payments 

  1. FIXED: Under certain billing scenarios the item fee was not populating after "Invoice for IMC" was manually ticked
  2. FIXED: Print “Tax Invoice (Outstanding)” was not printing the Invoice Notes
  3. FIXED: Incorrect referrals would be listed under extremely rare circumstances where combinations of "Practice Common Referral" and "Location Common Referral" were set to be used, and particularly where not all Locations where set to use "Location Common Referral"
  4. NEW: Practice Settings: "Billing Service Date field first" option changed to following selection
  5.                                      - YES == Service Date
                                         - AUTO == Impulse decides
                                         - FUND == Fund (if it is visible) 
                                         - ITEM CODE == Item Code
  1. NEW: Individually and Bulk Print private "Known Gap" invoices ONLY AFTER Medicare and or Health Funds Processing Reports are retrieved
  2. NEW: This release of Impulse introduces Transactional Email. In this release it is restricted to Invoices, Payments and Outstanding Invoices.
  3. NEW: Online Payments - QR code added to invoice

Medicare Online & ECLIPSE

  1. FIXED: Online Payment Report - A report field from Medicare/Health Funds is supposed to be 16 characters long starting with an "I" and ending with an "@".  Some Funds are now returning the report field with fewer than 16 characters
  2. FIXED: Online Payment Report - Some health funds changed the content of a payment report field and this report was generating an error that would crash Impulse
  3. FIXED: Action File - Issue where a fully journaled zero balance invoice would not Release from Action. User MUST use the Release button at the top of the window for these invoices
  4. FIXED: Action File - Under some conditions the Medicare and Fund rejection explanations where not added to the Impulse database
  5. FIXED: Waiting Report - A bug that generated an Access Violation when retrieving certain IMC Claim reports
  6. FIXED: Waiting Report - Now excludes "Zero Benefit Paid" claims
  7. FIXED: For First Name was only sending the first name of a double barrel First Name
  8. FIXED: PRODA - Could not reactivate if there was no prior activation
  9. FIXED:  Patient Claims - A bug introduced in prior release that put "Assessed" claims into "Waiting Lodgment"
  10. FIXED: Patient Claims - Impulse money values are now NOT updated with values returned from Medicare for all ASSESSED claims
  11. FIXED: Patient Claims - REVERTED update that did not change money values for ASSESSED claims. I.E. Benefit Paid change where patient hit Safety Net 
  12. FIXED: Patient Claims - A number of returned claims did not get updated with Actioned Items' codes and descriptions
  13. FIXED: Anaesthetic items required to be transmitted in a specific sequence to Medicare and Eclipse under some circumstances where not being reordered
  14. FIXED: Removed the ability to Action Vouchers from the Returned view when Processing Report and Payment Report has not been returned
  15. FIXED: Some Health Funds changed the meaning of data in fields returned in EDI Payment Reports. Changes have been to Impulse implemented to remediate the Impulse records
  16. FIXED: Under some circumstances Impulse would crash when rejected were returned
  17. FIXED: Under some rare circumstances Payments and Processing reports were not being processed
  18. UPDATED: Patient Claims - In many instances Patient Claims, and in particular when re-lodging, appears to be hanging (not responding). This has been resolved.
  19. UPDATED: Patient Claims - Refactoring for processing and updating to alleviate perception that Impulse is "hanging" when a large number of claims are being retrieved
  20. UPDATED: Payments - Added ability to pay claims where the patient contribution has been paid and a health fund has paid by cheque or advised direct deposit made outside the ERA electronic advice
  21. UPDATED: Anaesthetic items are required to be transmitted in a specific sequence to Medicare and Eclipse. An extra column "Seq #" has been added to all invoice items listings where applicable to indicate the transmission order.
  22. UPDATED: Improved the processing when changing drop lists because for very large databases it way taking a very long time to update the grids. 
  23. UPDATED: Submitted Claims with return status of "MEDICARE_VERIFIED" OR "HEALTHFUND_VERIFIED" and an "8014" is now processed as a successful claim. Impulse was treating these as unsuccessful submissions
  24. UPDATED: Change in presentation to "Waiting Report" and "Reported". A new column added and two column names were changed:

                                    - Payment Status: Now indicates the last received status for the claim's payment report

                                    - Processing Status:  Now indicates the last received status for the processing of the claim

                                    - Processing Report Status:  Now indicates the last received status for the processing report for the claim

  25. NEW: Ability to manually pay a claim where the Health Fund has sent a payment to for a previously underpaid or rejected claim
  26. NEW: Action File - Search for all Actioned Items for a specific Claim Number
  27. NEW: MoL Exception Report - Functionality to print to screen when "Print to Screen" is set for reports

Patient Details

  1. FIXED: Sometimes an bug report would be generated after an invoice was created from Patient Details
  2. FIXED: Cancelling a Patient Only SMS would generate an error
  3. FIXED: Archiving after changing patient details caused a crash
  4. FIXED: Suburb search would miss the first few characters typed when searching for the first time after Impulse started
  5. UPDATED: When searching suburbs the Location's State restriction has been removed
  6. ADDED: A speed button to clear Suburb, State and Post Code has been added to the right hand of Suburb
  7. ADDED: Button added for Next of Kin when enabled identifies the Next of Kin as a Impulse patient. Impulse patient Next of Kin is attached by dbl-click in the Next of Kin field, then select a patient, then save. When Next of Kin button is enabled and it is clicked, a non-editable Next of Kin Patient Details window will open
  8. ADDED: Added display for Patient Amount Owing at bottom right hand of window


  1. FIXED: Deposit sheets were not printing if ONLY Credit Card payments were present
  2. UPDATED: Account Name drop down list now allows incremental searching of the whole Account Name

Referring Doctors & Referrals

  1. NEW: A new "3rd Party" has been added. Cannot bill using a "3rd Party". It is intended to indicate the participant in the patient's care. *** In this release is it is not yet integrated into WP and or other Impulse modules

Account Enquiry

  1. FIXED: Other Payer - use of incorrect fonts
  2. FIXED: Held and Deferred Invoices were displaying Invoices that were Saved but NOT Printed. This was an oversight from a previous release that introduced editing an invoice before it was printed.

Appointment Book

  1. FIXED: Pop-up edit window label fonts were 30 points too big
  2. NEW: Option to persistently set Display Order of Appointment Books
  3. NEW: Added display for Patient Amount Owing in Patient information box
  4. NEW: Ability to change the Patient information box between Top and Bottom
  5. NEW: View extended monthly calendars up to 4 months
  1. UPDATED: Operation of the Surname, First Name and File ID fields changed to speed up searching


  1. FIXED: Bookmark error when editing
  2. FIXED: List refresh when returning from Patient Details and Account Enquiry

Provider Locations

  1. ADDED: Fund Arrangements - Button to Auto-add ALL funds


  1. FIXED: Patient age assessment was incorrect when lower limit and or upper limit was specified


  1. FIXED: Blank Vouchers - Was printing items data
  2. FIXED: Blank Vouchers - Incorrect Privacy Notice
  3. FIXED: Blank Vouchers - Was not printing all Patient and Referral information
  4. UPDATED: Blank Vouchers - Refactoring for efficiency
  5. UPDATED: Medical Director Export - Impulse now exports the following fields: EMAIL, REFDOCTOR, REFDATE, REFCODE, INSNO, INSCO, DECEASED, ATSI, MOBILE PHONE
  6. NEW: Practice Settings - A new entry 'Skip Re-age after "View In Billing"' has been added with "No" as default value to maintain backward compatibility. With Impulse databases with millions of invoices, editing an invoice could take up to 120 seconds to re-age. If this setting is change to "Yes" to Ageing after changing invoices must pe performed manually. 
If you would like to have a demonstration of any of these features, please give our team a call on 1300 765 110.

If you would like to suggest a future improvement to Impulse, please click here.
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